IMPEx Use and Science Cases
All use cases and science cases that have been reviewed and approved by the IMPEx consortium are linked from this page.
Scientific Use Cases
Science Case 2
Martian aurorae
Science Case 3
Remote sensing of Mercury´s surface minerals and composition
Science Case 4
Comparison of observed data by the Venus Express MAG instrument with simulation results of the Venusian magnetic environment from the Hybrid Plasma Model.
Science Case 5
Giant planets
Science Case 6
Earth and Moon
Science Case 7
Jupiter Moons and their electrodynamic interaction with Jovian ionosphere
Science Case 8
Science Case 9
Asteroids related to DAWN mission
High and Low Level Use Cases
Use Case 1
A scientist wants to compare observed data with simulation outputs in AMDA
Use Case 2
Observational data superimposed to spacecraft trajectory in 3DView
Use Case 3
Planning Jupiter auroral science campaign with NASA/Juno
Use Case 4
Three dimensional presentation of magnetospheric boundaries in 3DViewwith paraboloid model