Welcome to the IMPEx Podcast (RSS) featuring consortium members, scientists and other associates of the IMPEx Project. Please check back on this page regularly for updates and new episodes.
In the first episode of the IMPEx podcast Dr. Maxim Khodachenko gives an overview of the primary goals and the main components of the envisioned IMPEx system as well as some possible future developments of the project.Dr. Maxim Khodachenko is the coordinator of the IMPEx project and is based at the IWF (Institut für Weltraumsforschung) in Graz/Styria.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~29 Minutes, Date: 06. July 2011
The second episode of the IMPEx Podcast features german space instrumentation expert Walter Schmidt, who is also leader of work package 3. The interview covered a lot of topics ranging from FMI's general contribution to the IMPEx project as well as the basic idea behind hybrid modelling and some of its applications in the process of interpreting space mission data.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~37 Minutes, Date: August 25th 2011
Episode 3 features Vincent Génot, scientific leader of the IMPEx project. In the interview we talked about the challenges of building an integrated system for space science and the developments of standards in this field. Further we touched on 3DView, which will form an integrated part of the envisioned system as well as on the benefits IMPEx will provide to the scientific community.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~28 Minutes, Date: 12. Oct. 2011
In the fourth episode we are talking to Ronan Modolo who is an associate professor at the Laboratoire Atmosphère, Milieux, Observations Spatiales (LATMOS) and is working on the development of hybrid models that will be available in the IMPEx system.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~26 Minutes, Date: 22. Feb. 2012
PDS Engineering Node Manager Dan Crichton talks about PDS4 and the most important improvements as well as technological challenges and changes of the latest NASA data model that is planned to be released in fall of 2012.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~5 Minutes, Date: 30. Aug. 2012
Steve Miller is Professor of Science Communication and Planetary Science at UCL and one of the main protagonists of Europlanet, in which he also serves as an Outreach Deputy Coordinator. At the EPSC 2012 we talked to him about the future of Europlanet and planetary science in Europe.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~13 Minutes, Date: 4. Oct. 2012
Esa Kallio is the leader of the space weather group at the Finish Meteorological Institute (FMI) in Helsinki as well co-coordinator of the IMPEx project. In this interview we talk about his scientific background and latest developments in the IMPEx project.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~17 Minutes, Date: 27. Feb. 2013
The first face-to-face meeting of the IMPEx support boards took place in Vienna at the beginning of April 2013. In numerous presentations the status quo of IMPEx developments was presented to Bob Bentley, Andre Csillaghy, Karoly Szego and Alessandro Mura. At the end of the session I took the opportunity to capture some initial reactions and thoughts on the project.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~5 Minutes, Date: 31. May 2013
In a summer edition of the IMPEx podcast I am joined by planetary scientist and film artist Maarten Roos and composer William Zeitler. We talk about their recent Moodfilm project "Serene Universe".
More infromation, previews and the image used, can be found on the Serene Universe Website.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~23 Minutes, Date: 03. September 2013
In December 2013 Dr. Igor Alexeev completed the round through IMPEx consortium members. In the interview we talk about his career in Russian space exploration, his scientific work and SINP's involvement in the IMPEx project.
Also see this interview with Igor Alexeev on the topic of IMPEx.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~15 Minutes, Date: 18. December 2013
Dr. Günter Kargl and his team at the Space Research Institute in Graz is involved in several experiments on board of the Rosetta spacecraft. The comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenkois also a potential target of the IMPEx modelling suite and the spacecrafts trajectory can already be viewed in 3DView.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~15 Minutes, Date: 3rd of April 2014
Lasse Häkkinen has been a vital part of the IMPEx team since mid 2012. At FMI he is responsible for all software development work regarding the IMPEx environment. In Moscow I had to chance to talk to him about his interests, scientific background and his involvement in the IMPEx project.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~6 Minutes, Date: 27th of May 2014
Michel Gangloff is leader of work package 2 and responsible for key components of the IMPEx infrastructure. We talked about his career as a computer scientist, working on several major space missions, his role in IMPEx and possible future developments of the IMPEx infrastructure.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~12 Minutes, Date: 24th of July 2014
Florian Topf and Manuel Scherf talk about the IMPEx Portal its concept and main features and the biggest challenges faced during its development.
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~11 Minutes, Date: 10th of December 2014
As IMPEx draws near to the end, it is time to look back: Maxim Khodachenko, who also was the guest in the first episode is back to talk about the highlights and challenges of the past 4 years...
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~7 Minutes, Date: 10th of March 2015
At our final PMC meeting that took place in May 2015 in Graz, I had the chance to talk to Vincent Génot, Michel Gangloff, Esa Kallio and Ronan Modolo to get their perspective on the greatest challenges we faced and what lies ahead...
Hosted by: Tarek Al-Ubaidi, Length: ~15 Minutes, Date: 12th of March 2015
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Vincent Génot is my guest in episode 3, discussing the main challenges of building an integrated system for space science. Visit the Podcast section of the IMPEx website![more]
Episode 2 features Dr. Walter Schmidt, who gives an overview of work package 3 as well as some fascinating insights into the world of hybrid modelling. As always, the mp3 file can be listened to online as well as accessed...[more]