Role:Project Coordinator; science expert; Leader of WP5; support of
WP3 and WP4; contact to Europlanet-RI / JRA3-EMDAF
Expertise:Space plasma physics, magnetospheric physics, radio
astronomy, exoplanets, data analysis and modelling; coordinator of JRA3-astronomy, exoplanets, data analysis and modelling; coordinator of JRA3-
EMDAF in the Europlanet-RI.
Bio:1982-1989: Study at the Department of Radiophysics, Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia. Juli 1989: M.S. degree in Radiophysics and Electronics, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Department of Radiophysics.
1989-1991: Advanced study: Physics of Plasma at the Inst. of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences. Ph.D. in Plasma Physics and Astrophysics / Radio Astronomy in March 1998 - Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences. Predoctoral study at the Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences. 1998-1999:Employment as a scientific editor in "Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics" journal (in russian appears as "Izvestiya VUZov Radiofizika"), Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, (part-time); 1996-2001: Research Scientist, Institut für Weltraumforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Graz, Austria (a series of short-term research contracts, part-time); 1999-2001: Max-Planck Senior Research Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching b. Muenchen, Germany (full-time); Since 2001: Research Scientist, Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Graz, Austria (full-time);
Role:Deputy-Coordinator; science expert support of WP3 and WP4.
Expertise:planetary magnetospheric and space physics; numerical
modelling (Hybrid & MHD); data operation & visualization; working group
leader in NA2 of the Europlanet-RI.
Bio: Esa Kallio received his PhD in space physics at the University of Helsinki, Finland, in 1996 - his thesis dealt with the subject of Mars-solar wind interaction. He has been working on a number of modelling and space instrument projects at Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), Helsinki, Finland. Kallio is a Co-I of several space plasma instruments (e.g. ASPERA-3/Mars Express; ASPERA-4/ Venus Express; ICA/Rosetta; SERENA/Bepi Colombo) and his main expertise lies in the development and usage of global numerical plasma simulations to interpret space plasma observations. His special interest is hybrid simulations where ions are modelled as particles and electrons form a massless fluid. The hybrid model platform HYB developed at FMI will be used in the IMPEx project to study the solar wind interaction with several Solar System object.
Role: Project Scientist.
Expertise:magnetospheric and space physics; responsible for added
value services and science applications; AMDA project scientific
Bio:Vincent Génot received his PhD in Space Physics from the University of Versailles in 1999 on auroral acceleration processes. He moved to Queen Mary, University of London in 1999, where he held a staff position in the Space Plasma Group. He took part at data analysis within the electron instrument (PEACE) team of the Cluster mission. He gained further experiences prior to his PhD in the Space and Environment Section of ESA/ESTEC on spacecraft/plasma interaction and he developed numerical methods to correct particle moments from perturbations induced by spacecraft potential. Simultaneously he developed his simulation activities (kinetic codes on super-computer) on acceleration processes in the aurora. Since February 2003, he holds a permanent research position at IRAP (formerly CESR) in Toulouse, France. He extended his research interests to the dynamics of the magnetosheath and the influence of the solar wind.
Visit Vincent Génots website >> here
Role:Leader of WP4, Task leader in WP4.
Expertise:Space plasma physics; planetary magnetosphere modelling;
Paraboloid magnetospheric models.
Bio:Igor Alexeev worked at a direction that jointed Astronomy, Geophysics and Applied Mathematics. The main subject of this work is a planetary magnetospheric model. The universal model developed by Igor Alexeev and his coworker gave a good agreement with magnetometer data inside the Earth, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn magnetospheres. He is one of the authors of about a hundred refereed papers, which have been cited more than ten times during last twenty years.
Role:Project Manager, Leader WP1
Expertise: Project Management, Software Development and Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Architectural Design
Bio: After acquiring his master degree in Telematics in the year 2000 (Technical University Graz), Tarek Al-Ubaidi worked as a Project Manager, Consultant and Software Engineer in the private sector for approximately 10 Years. He joined the IMPEx project in June 2011.
Demonstration of IMPEx Portal in combination with CDDP-AMDA and CDPP-3Dview.[more]
European Team Creates Universal "Language" for Space Science[more]
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