Feedback to the website was very positive so far: "I have looked at the website in details and I find it very well organized and informative.".
Further comments asserted that it conveys a strong impression on what the project is about and that "The web site is well structured, up to date and also included a search engine...", "The website is nice, clear and well organized.".
Recommendations for future developments of the website; it was pointed out that over the course of the project the focus of the website will shift from descriptions of work packages etc. to the IMPEx tools page, allowing users to easily access the systems´ components: "...the website should evolve from a project description to a tool access platform..." and also offer more interactivity.
Further comments stated that "...adding more information about observational data and models that are available as part of IMPEx studies, would be helpful."
It also was suggested to add "...more news information and project updates." and to give more information on the (current) progress made in the project.
Relations with other projects were generally judged positively "...a good number of relationships have been established.", "...IMPEx is surely doing enough. Europlanet/IDIS members are kept informed...".
Nevertheless it was proposed to address further (potential) partner projects more openly, examples given were e.g. HELIO, CASSIS and VISBARD or projects dealing with the Earth/Moon case. Also the relationship with partner projects is not stated clear enough according to some feedback.
Another comment noted that "...developing relationships with international partners would help us in the U.S. be more aware and better partners."
Some of the responses given asked for an increase in outreach activity.
The modelling sector of IMPEx has received very encouraging feedback. Possible extensions suggested in the responses were e.g. "...a service providing the solar constant through time". This would be helpful for a broader community and "Solar wind models such as WSA-ENLIL, Jovian radiation environment models."
The Podcast was received very well: "Looking at the website, there are some nice podcasts and other information from the project team. This is excellent." It was noted however that the episodes are probably a bit too long and that more episodes should appear, ideally also on YouTube. Additional text information could be added to the descriptions.
The Use and Science Cases were received very favourably in general, in particular Science Case 4: "My impression is that coverage is fair...". "I found case 4 to be the most informative. The use case lays out the steps and procedure."
The current set of Use and Science Cases was basically judged sufficient for the current phase of the project and it was stated that the documents "...provide a good foundation to support the model to data comparison."
Further studies in the direction of e.g. VEX were suggested as well as Use and Science Cases that put more focus on interactivity. Science Cases 8 and 9 (dealing with Comets and Asteroids) were seen to be of great interest and it was suggested to focus on them regarding upcoming additions to the set of cases. It was also suggested to give estimates of the planned releases of further cases already listed.
Concerning observational data bases, it was stated that "...referencing the Planetary Data System would be useful." and a possible inclusion of NASA CDAWEB, NASA OMNIWEB was suggested (which is already achieved partially).